With introduction to the foundation (5-S system) and 8 pillars on which the TPM process is built , the implementation of TPM program needs to be understood. This is generally done in 6 steps: 1) share your plans with the entire organization 2) identifying a pilot area, 3) restoring equipment to prime operating condition, 4) measuring OEE, 5) addressing and reducing major losses, and 6) implementing planned maintenance. Step 1: Share your plans with your entire organization Implementation of TPM starts with introduction of the program, creating awareness and understands the objectives and value it generates within the organisation. But above all it’s critical that management and supervisors grasp the importance of proper TPM procedures. If managers promote, introduce, and adopt a certain way of working, then shop-floor personnel will generally embrace plans much faster. Step 2: Identify a Pilot Area Identifying a work area, or a plant, or an equipment where the production process operat...

"Digitisation offers unprecedented opportunities for improvement. While until a few years ago, computerization of production could be considered an investment for complex production units, today it may be the only way to remain competitive in the market. I want to share my research and my direct experience on process machinery of how Industry 4.0 and Digitization are transforming the way to organize the production and maintenance to achieve maximum performance."