A comparison between SAP PM* and CMMS *R ecently the SAP PM modules has been reviewed and reinforced with new functionalities becoming SAP EAM (SAP Enterprise Asset Management). In this article, I will use SAP PM and SAP EAM referring to same SAP module. Industries across the globe use different software and tools to manage various business processes within the organization including accounting, human resources, purchasing, production and maintenance. Some may use different standalone tools for each purpose and some may use an integrated package like an ERP to manage all purposes. One of the most popular ERP is SAP, and SAP PM is the specific module used to manage and run maintenance in an industry. In addition, on the shelf, there are available many CMMS software for the maintenance management. The choice of SAP, CMMS and other in-house software to manage maintenance activities depends on many factors. SAP PM (for those that run SAP) and various vendors of CMMS are used commonly ...

"Digitisation offers unprecedented opportunities for improvement. While until a few years ago, computerization of production could be considered an investment for complex production units, today it may be the only way to remain competitive in the market. I want to share my research and my direct experience on process machinery of how Industry 4.0 and Digitization are transforming the way to organize the production and maintenance to achieve maximum performance."